KAL 007 Passengers Taken Alive to Sakhalin! - Two ItemsMost Recently, a calling card, showing no water damage or stains which would have indicated that the card had come ashore through the waters, has come into the hands of an informant from the port city of Nevelsk on Sakhalin Island. This is the card of So J. Son, a passenger of KAL 007, shot down by the Soviets on Sept 1, 1983, in the waters of the Tartar Strait near Moneron Island. Moneron is 41 nautical miles from Nevelsk. So J. Son is listed on the manifest of Fight 007 as "Sohn So-Ja (showing that the transcriber was an American transcribing phonetically). Mrs. Korea, seat 22J, sitting to the right of her, was most probably a member of her family, "Sohn Young-Ja, Korea, seat 22K". The card shows Mrs. So J. Son to have been the Executive Designer with the Young Jin Trading Co. Further, though a firm called Young Jin Trading can still be located in Korea, and the location is in Seoul, the address and the phone number are obsolete and the district of Sung Dong-Ku no longer exists. How, then, could this card of a KAL 007 passenger, with no sign of having been in water, ever have gotten to the city of Nevelsk? What Let's consider first "by helicopter": To KAL 007’s true position, Moneron Island itself, there were, indeed, at least two Soviet rescue operations sent out within minutes of KAL 007’s downing. These missions are documented in the Russian ground-to-ground telecommunications transcripts, and in view of the specificity of KAL 007’s location, and the smallness of the island (3 1//2 by 4 1/2 miles) there is no reason to doubt their success. The first mission involved rescue helicopters, border guards and the KGB, and was ordered at 6:47 A.M., just 21 minutes after missile impact and nine minutes after KAL 007 had reached point zero Lt. Col. Novoseletski, Acting Chief of Staff, Fighter Division, Smirnykh Air Force Base, Sakhalin: (6:47 A.M.) You don’t have the sunrise there yet “Chaika” is the call sign of the Far East Military District (FEMD) Air Force Command Post. Consequently, this first documented rescue mission could only be effected by order of the FEMD, which was second in Apparently, neither Smirnykh Air Force Base in central Sakhalin (under the Tactical Air Command and where the MiG23 ordered to guarantee destruction of KAL 007 was based) and Sokol Air Force base in southern Sakhalin (under the Air Defense Command where Osipovich and his SU-15 were based) had any available rescue helicopters. Therefore, the jurisdictional step up to the Far East Military District Air Force was required to bring the out-of-jurisdiction Khomutovo Air Base into action. Khomutovo was the civilian and military airbase at Yuzhno (Southern) Sakhalinsk City. Let's now consider "by boat" as the means that the card and its carrier, Mrs. So J. Son, might have arrived at the Sakhalin port city of Nevelsk. Firstly, we need to note that ships and boats, as well as rescue helicopters, had been ordered to Moneron: This mission involved the civilian ships in the vicinity of Moneron as well as the Border Guard patrol boats and ships commanded by KGB General Romanenko*. It was ordered at 6:55 A.M.; just 29 minutes after missile impact and 17 minutes after KAL 007 had reached point zero, 1,000 feet altitude. Gen. Strogov, General, Deputy Commander, Far East Military District: (6:54 A.M.) Hello… Hello, Titovnin… You s... [obscenities] I’ll lock you up in the guard house. Why don’t you pick up the phone? Here is clear evidence that the shoot-down of KAL 007 and the rescue of its passengers were not decisions made by local commanders but emanated from high echelons of the Soviet military. Strogov: (18:55) So, what you need to do now. Contact these ... [obscenities], these sailors, these, what do you ... [obscenities]? But this mission was ordered after KAL 007 had descended to the waters, - though a very short number of minutes afterward. Yet there is clear evidence that ships were dispatched by the Soviets even prior to that, while both ship and land position radars were tracking KAL 007 to its ANTICIPATED site of its set-down. That is, they were sent to the site that the trajectory of the plane was shown on That this Soviet naval rescue mission had been ordered even before KAL007 had reached the surface of the waters off Moneron is attested by the following - taken from the Izvestia testimony of a Soviet Naval Specialist who had been involved in the rescue mission: "When we learned that the aircraft had been In fact, KAL 007 had been tracked by Soviet radar from numbers of installations and these trackings which extended from prior to attack, through the attack phase, and on into KAL 007's descent But is there any evidence that passengers and crew, including Mrs. So J.Son, could have been taken off the aircraft before it sunk, or had been sunk by the Soviets? The answer is Yes in the form of electronic intercepts by the U.S. of Soviet air controllers at the time of the shootdown: According to the 1991 Republican Staff Study of the members of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee chaired by Senator Jesse Helms, (”CIA” Report, “sensitive special intelligence”) the following was revealed: About four hours after the shoot-down, Soviet Air Defense command posts reported that Soviet pilots were saying that a civilian passenger plane had been shot down instead of a U.S. RC-135 reconnaissance plane, and that they (the command posts) were expressing regret, both that they had not downed the RC-135 and that now the Americans would accuse them of killing Americans. The Study asks how, while flying overhead, could Soviet pilots conclude that Americans were among the passengers? They might conclude from seeing the aircraft’s distinctive hump as the plane floated on the water that it was a passenger plane that was shot down, as in 1983 there were no military versions of the Boeing 747. And they might have seen the distinctive bird emblem on the tail of the aircraft—the symbol in use then by Korean Air Lines—but this would not indicate the nationalities of the passengers. The Study would conclude that the only way Soviet pilots could know that Americans had been killed is if they had heard that information on their radios during the time the rescue was actually taking place. “Thus the only way that Soviet pilots could possibly have known that the nationality of some of the KAL 007 passengers as Americans, from the air, would have been from possible emergency radio communications which U. S. Intelligence did not intercept, from either the stricken airliner ditched at sea, or from its life rafts, or from Soviet rescue boats.” (Republican Staff Study/”CIA” Report, pg. 47) Further, two related reports emanating from the Israel Research Centre for Prisons, Psyche Prisons, and Forced Labor Concentration Camps of the U.S.S.R, headed by Avraham Shifrin, reported, based on eye witness informant information, that KAL 007 had been viewed on the water by fishermen off Moneron Island. People were standing on the wings, much like the passenger of the "Miracle on the Hudson" with hand luggage with them. And the Research Centre's investigations in 1989 to 1991 determined that the passengers and crew of KAL 007 were taken, upon rescue, to the KGB Coast Guard base on Sakhalin. And what could have been experienced by the Port of Nevelsk, the day that So J.Son was taken by "rescue" boat to its shore? This report has just come in from an informant who 35 years previous, on September 1, was in the office building facing the port who recounts the unusual activity within the building. If it took place in this building, it is reasonable to assume, the same activity took place in all the buildings facing the port and having a view of the waters beyond. It is this that the informant witnessed. The KGB came into the building and then proceeded hanging black curtains on all the windows, preventing them from looking out and seeing Finally, we need to ask how actually the card had dropped from So J. Son's person. Did it come inadvertently out of her pocket or bag as she made her way or was assisted or forced up onto the dock? Was she jostled among the crowd of KGB guards and other passengers and the card with other articles came down scattered (and then taken by a resident 35 years later to wind up in the hands of the informer? Or did she intentionally drop it in the hopes that it __________________________________________________________________________________________ ** On Monday, September 26, 1983, a delegation of seven Japanese and American officials arriving aboard the Japanese patrol boat Tsugaru, met a six-man Soviet delegation at the port of Nevelsk on Sakhalin Island. KGB Major General A. I. Romanenko, the Commander of the Sakhalin and Kuril Islands frontier guard, headed the Soviet delegation.* Romanenko handed over to the Americans and Japanese, among other things, single and paired footwear. With footwear that the Japanese also retrieved, the total came to 213 men's, women's and children's dress shoes, sandals, and sports shoes. The Soviets said that all that they had retrieved, they had found floating in the water or washed up on the shores of Sakhalin and Moneron islands. Family members of KAL 007 passengers would later state that these shoes were actually worn by their loved ones for the flight on that fateful night. Sonia Munder had no difficulty recognizing the sneakers of her children, one of Christian, age 14 and one of Lisi, age 17, by the intricate way her children laced them. (Sonia confirmed that her children were wearing these shoes when they boarded the flight). Another mother says, "I recognized them just like that. You see, there are all kinds of inconspicuous marks which strangers do not notice. This is how I recognized them. My daughter loved to wear them." And yet, another mother (and maybe it takes a mother!), Nan Oldham identified her son, John's, sneakers from a photo in Life magazine of 55 of the 213 shoes—apparently, a random array on display those first days at Chitose Air Force Base in Japan. "We saw photos of his shoes in a magazine," says Nan, "We followed up through KAL and a few weeks later, a package arrived. His shoes were inside: size 11 sneakers with Implications Is it really possible for so many shoes to be found and not one single person found to wear them? And if we should negate that the shoes were taken off in preparation for a ditching - that there was no time to do so, or the aircraft was in an exploded and too disintegrated condition to do so, then another question arises - If the non appearance of bodies is explained by their flesh being eaten by crabs, and, contrary to expert opinion, bones eaten by sea creatures, is it really credible, that not one of the 213 items of footwear had a foot, or a toe or a toe bone within it? The Fate of Gen Romanenko ** From the 1991 minority staff of Senate Foreign Affairs Committee Study (page 76): WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED A CONFIRMATION THAT THIS RENTAL CAR CARD FOUND AT This item appears to be plastic encased, while the first item appears to be of calling card type of Sitting next to Kab-il Yu, seat 11B was Mark A. McGetrick, 33 years old from Danbury, Connecticut Back to The Story |
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